The Rise of the U of M Squirrels

Tragic Event and Turning Point

Background on the Following Info: the information described below was given by an anonymous tipper who secretly turned in the files once finding them in the U of M squirrels’ base. The files include detailed info of the origins of the Squirrel Revolution along with pictures of several iconic figures in it.

On May 10, 1966, a university student named Ben Lockwood decided to capture one of the U of M squirrels, Lee, through setting up a cage trap by the Administration Building. He enclosed the cage and hid it to where no one could find it. A squirrel who witnessed the initial capture frantically left to report it to other squirrels, but Lee and Lockwood were gone when they came back.

Lockwood waited until Lee died from dehydration and brought the squirrel back and put it behind a bush. The U of M squirrels found the body on the same day. They were saddened and outraged by the event.The following image is a picture of Lee the Squirrel:


This was a turning point for the university squirrels. This event reminded them of how humans had come and took their land away from them. One particular squirrel by the name of Raymond was outraged to the point where he worked to create a movement. He was the pioneer and key squirrel in what is known as the Squirrel Revolution. He crafted the plan for the U of M squirrels to take back the university from the humans. For a long period, the plans of Raymond and the squirrels were basically unknown, that was until an anonymous figure called the Squirrel Searcher leaked some of the information.


The next page will look into different ways in which the squirrels are doing questionable things on campus.

Link to Prior Page Origins of the University Squirrels

Link to Next Page Suspicious Behaviors by the University Squirrels